
October 2015


October 7, 2015 Minutes

MINUTES of CTAC of Hamden, New Haven and West Haven

Meeting Date: October 7, 2015

Call to order: A regular monthly meeting of CTAC was held at CTV Offices at 843 State Street, New Haven, Connecticut, on Wednesday, October 7, 2015. President Tad Weinstein presiding. Don Levy Secretary. Meeting called to order at 6:08 p.m.

Members in attendance:

Tad Weinstein, Chair (WH)

Peaches Quinn, Vice Chair (NH)

George Alexander, Treasurer (H)

Don Levy, Secretary (H)

Johnes Ruta, (NH)

Martha Brogan, (NH)

Steve Gemmell, Local Manager, Field Operations, Frontier Communications

Tad reported that Sharon Codeanne will be returning to COMCAST and will once again represent COMCAST at CTAC meetings. COMCAST provided a written monthly report although no COMCAST representative was present.

Johnes noted a news report indicating that COMCAST was planning to establish data caps on its internet subscribers. Johnes took exception to having his data usage restricted by a data cap. Tad reminded the board that CTAC business was limited by law to issues relating to cable television.

After a long discussion regarding the propriety and fairness of allowing internet providers to establish data caps it was decided to ask Sharon Codeanne to report on any COMCAST plans to enforce data caps in the CTAC service area. Steve Gemmell of Frontier indicated that Frontier had no plans to curtail unlimited data usage by its local subscribers.

Steve also reported that as promised he had reached out to CTV in order to begin the process that would allow local Frontier cable subscribers to view programs produced at CTV. It appears that CTV has provided Frontier with the information it needed to proceed to propose a contract to overcome financial and engineering impediments to allow its customers access to CTV. The board officially thanked Mr. Gemmell and hopes the CTV programs will soon be available.

George reported that the links on the CTAC website are no longer operative. George will work with Johnes to establish a newer and more user-friendly platform for the CTAC website. They will report on progress to restore the CTAC website functionality at the November meeting.

The CTAC annual dinner meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 8 in West Haven at App’s Ristorante (283 Captain Thomas Blvd.) at 6:00 pm. Don will make reservations for 10 people.

A discussion concerning initiating the CTAC Grant for Local Video Production was tabled until the November meeting.

The minutes for the September regular meeting of CTAC were approved as submitted.

The October regular meeting of CTAC was adjourned at 7:18 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by D. Levy, CTAC secretary