
October 4, 2023 Minutes

Cable Television Advisory Council

Minutes for Wednesday, October 4th , 2023 6:00 pm
Monthly Meeting –  DeLegna NoLo Restaurant


Attendance:     Johnes Ruta, Chair (New Haven)
Tom Costa, Advisor,  (New Haven Library System)
Melissa Canham-Clyne, Advisor  (Hamden)
Peaches Quinn, Advisor, (New Haven)    via ZOOM

  1. Call to order 6:08 pm
  2. Minutes – agenda topic was not addressed at this restaurant meeting due to
    service commotion.
  • Treasurer’s Report (George Alexander – not in attendance)
    No report provided.
    b.   Members present discuss better protocol to receive Comcast check physical
    arrival to New Haven Free Public Library(NHFPL)  for CTAC gift to the
    John Jessen Memorial Fund:  check arrived at NHFPL Mail Room in September
    but then was circulated around the Lib offices until finally reached its destination
    after several days!
  1. CTV – Executive Director Joseph Schofield, not in attendance
  2. Comcast – Representative Amy Horan, not in attendance

George Alexander had sent Comcast an email regarding current rewards for Comcast customers and clarifications requested on Reward status levels – Amy
Horan reports that she has responded and resolved this matter, and  requests
notice if there is still an ongoing or subsequent issue, so that she will look into any further problem.


  1. Old Business
  2. The Committee again discussed asking Joe Schofield if he would to delegate someone
    from CTV to work with this Board, considering his current absences.

  3. No update was available on the CTAC Public Services Announcement.

  4. Issue of the fee of 84 cents to be added to cable franchise billing for Internet
    subscribers, in addition to existing cable billing for cable television subscribers,
    for the purpose of increasing available revenues for Local Access channels in CT.
    It was noted that State Rep. Needleman (D) stated that he proposed a “study” for
    new Legislative Bill because the Bill in the last Leg. Session had expired, after
    the Office of Legislative Research had intercepted the finalized Bill with an
    unauthorized Amendment meant to terminate Cable franchises’ support for
    Local Access channels and Cable Television Advisory Councils. Needleman
    proposed a “study” for a subsequent Bill.
    d.   Two CTAC Awards totaling $1,900  were distributed in September:
    (1) $1000 to Partnership, received.
    (2) $900 to the New Haven Library Foundation in memory of late City Librarian
    John Jessen.  This postal mail envelope with the $900 check enclosed went                 astray, as the delivery address was accidentally defaced in the USPS machine
    and went to the “Dead Letter Office.”  It was eventually traced there by George       Alexander and then delivered to the New Haven Free Public Library.Johnes Ruta makes Motion that future checks be hand-delivered to recipients
    whenever possible. Melissa Canham-Clyne seconds this Motion. Carried.


  • New Business
  1. Johnes previously discussed his group email address was eliminated by GoDaddy,
    thus requiring Johnes to now redirect all Board emails to member’s individually-
    provided email addresses. George Alexander has investigated and determined
    that GoDaddy discontinued email service under its website hosting plans.
    b. Johnes proposes that CTAC initial regular contact with our State Legislators to
    promote Cable television and related internet equality issues.  Tom Costa identifies
    a legislator for zipcode 06510 as Roland LeMar. 
  • Subscriber Issues


  1. Adjournment: Tom Costa makes a Motion for Meeting Adjournment at 6:55 PM. Peaches seconded. Carried.   Next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday November 1