
September 6, 2023 Minutes

Cable Television Advisory Council

Minutes for Wednesday,
Sept. 6th, 2023 6:00 pm
Monthly Meeting–  Zoom Meeting


Attendance:    Johnes Ruta, Chair (New Haven)
George Alexander, Treasurer, (Hamden)
Tom Costa, Advisor,  (New Haven Library System)
Peaches Quinn, Advisor, (New Haven)    via ZOOM

  1. Call to order 6:05 pm
  2. Treasurer’s Report (George Alexander)
  3. Present Funds Balance: $5,918.40
  4. Johnes made motion to accept Treasurer’s Report. Tom seconded.


  • CTV – Executive Director Joseph Schofield, not in attendance
  1. Comcast – Representative Amy Horan, not in attendance
  2. George had sent Comcast an email regarding current rewards for Comcast customers and clarifications requested on Reward status levels – but received no reply to his email.
  3. CTV is seeking a clarification of Reward Levels from Representative Amy.
  4. Old Business

Johnes discussed his having contacted Joe Schofield for Technical issues, which were then corrected. The Committee then discussed asking Joe if he would like to delegate someone to work with this Board, considering his current absences.

No update was available on the CTAC public services agreement.

George reported that the Facebook and CTV websites were up to date.


  1. New Business

After brief discussion, George made a motion to provide a Community Award of $1000 to “Partnerships” in Hamden and an additional $900 Community Award, in memory of John Jessen, to New Haven Free Public Library. Johnes seconded. So approved.


Johnes discussed his upcoming plan to contact Mr. John Arabolos, ex-faculty emeritus member at the University of New Haven (in West Haven) regarding having a prospective CTV Board member join CTV to represent West Haven.


George reported that the CTV Board’s prior member/group email address was eliminated by GoDaddy, thus requiring Johnes to now redirect all Board emails to member’s individually-provided email addresses.


In response to a query, Tom reported that the New Haven Library Board has in fact compensated artist Frank Bruckman for his 2023 artistic portrait of former Library Director John Jessen.


  • Subscriber Issues

George has not received any new subscriber account information.


  • Meeting Adjournment

George moved that we adjourn at 7:10 PM. Peaches seconded the adjournment.