
May 2022


Additional Efforts to Increase Participation in the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP)

Comcast has announced new efforts to increase awareness and help people take advantage of the life-changing federal program that provides $30 per month toward their connectivity needs.
People will soon be able to visit Xfinity Stores nationwide, including eight in Connecticut, to sign up for Internet Essentials Plus, a service that includes 100 Mbps speed, a cable modem, access to millions of WiFi hotspots, and unlimited data for $29.95 per month. During their visit, customers can learn more about how to enroll in ACP to get Internet service for free. Any Xfinity customer across all Comcast’s markets who qualifies for ACP can apply their $30 credit toward their monthly Internet and/or Xfinity Mobile bill.

April 6, 2022 Minutes

Minutes from the Cable Television Advisory Council

ZOOM Meeting for April 6, 2022

Advisors Present:                                                     

Peaches Quinn (New Haven) – Chair George Alexander (Hamden) – Treasurer
Tom Costa (New Haven Library System)
Anthony Cardo (Hamden) – Assistant Secretary
Yvonne Manning-Jones (New Haven)
Johnes Ruta (New Haven) – Secretary

Advisors absent:

Melissa Canham-Clyne   (Hamden)

Laurel Coleman (Hamden) – Vice-Chair         Yvonne Manning Jones (New Haven)

Joe Schofield      – CTV Representative   – Absent

Sharon Codeane – Comcast Representative – Present

I.   Call to Order & Roll Call: 6:05

II.   March Minutes   – written and submitted by Anthony Cardo.

a. No Revisions were suggested to the draft of the March Minutes by the members                      present.

b. Johnes makes Motion to accept the March Minutes as submitted. Tom Costa seconds
Motion.   Vote carried, with Peaches Quinn abstaining, as she was not at the March
Zoom meeting. Minutes will be submitted to George for posting on the CTAC

III. Treasurer’s Report

  1. George Alexander reported no changes or monies spent since March report.

    IV.   CTV Community Television – Joe Schofield’s report.

    a. Joe Schofield reported the Staff meeting at CTV concerning reopening the State Street        facility   after recent Covid surges. CTV has a medical doctor on the Board of
    Directors who reaffirms concern about opening the CTV studios because of new              surge.   Peaches Quinn asks Joe who is on the CTV Staff now – Joseph reports
    all staff have survived through the pandemic so far.

  2. George Alexander points out that all Public Access channel outlets have funding
    issues. A CTV interactive Program Guide for channels, but the only program
    listing still are available only on the CTV website.

    c.   Question to Laurel (who is absent) whether the 2020 PSA for CTAC has yet been
    completed for CTV airing. Unresolved.

    d. Council discussion of pending legislation CT (Senate Bill) S.B. 278, which
    presently has 24 of 26 votes in the Communications Committee. It is our wish
    and purpose to advocate for this Bill as it will fully arrange funding for the
    state’s Community Access Channels on cable outlets and provide the annual
    stipend for the state’s Cable Advisory Councils:

    Peaches Quinn: “This Bill means that every cable company will contribute
    an 86 cent charge to BOTH cable television subscribers and internet access                         subscribers as well.”   Joe Scofield points out that presently “only cable television                     subscribers see this charge on their monthly bill. This is a Community Access
    Fee equal to 4.11 % of our budget requirements, as cable television subscriber
    membership has been steadily declining over the past several years, due to the
    availability of many video movie & news streaming services, from 70,00                            subscribers 15 years ago to 40,000 subscribers now.”
    Peaches recommends that CTAC produce a group letter (via email) to state
    CTAC’s advocacy of SB#278 to our respective city state legistators. Joe                           Schofield will compose a list of talking points for our advocacy, and Johnes
    Ruta will be appointed to these points to produce a draft letter to Peaches
    and a final Letter of Recommendation to Yvonne Manning-Jones to be sent
    to our CT legislators.   Yvonne make a Motion for this proposal. Johnes
    seconds the Motion. Vole unanimous.

  3. Comcast Report – Sharon Codeanne – not present

No new Comcast report available, but during March, Sharon Codeanne had distributed three Comcast flyers announcing the reduction of Internet Essentials monthly charges
to $0.00 for subscribers who qualify according to their reported income.

March 2, Comcast Report
• Comcast is supporting our customers by providing them with important information and
resources and helping them stay connected with loved ones:
o By saying “Ukraine crisis” into our X1 Voice Remote, customers can access a new destination across X1 and Flex featuring the latest news as it develops, information on how to support those in need, and resources to help parents talk about the situation with their children.
o We’re also waiving charges for calls to Ukraine for Xfinity Mobile & Xfinity Voice customers through March 10, as well as all data and Global Travel Pass charges for Xfinity Mobile customers who may currently be in Ukraine.
Programming Updates
• Effective March 22, 2022:
o Afro HD will move from the Digital Preferred tier to the Expanded Basic and Entertainment tiers (will remain on channel 1623).
o Kids Street HD will be added to the Expanded Basic and Kids & Family tiers on channel 1772.
• Effective March 31, 2022, Fox Life will cease operations. Miscellaneous
• $2,000 Comcast stipend check deposited in January

  1. Frontier Report

No new Frontier report available.



VII. Old Business D. – CTAC Paper Archives from the 1990s

(There are two medium-size boxes of paper archive records that were transferred
at the October meeting at Luce’s Restaurant from the possession of George Alexander
to Johnes Ruta. The issue is where these records can be stored for safe-keeping?)

a. Tom Costa gave Johnes the contact info for the Local History Room at New Haven
Ives Library, to be inquired as a location: Allison Botelho   203-946-8130 x 245. Johnes has contacted Allison but she has denied his request to store the records at their library. because of insufficient space at NHFPL.

b. Tom Costa contacted Johnes to report that the boxes of past archive papers can be
placed into the Library’s “Government Documents Collection” but will need to be
sorted for this purpose. Johnes agrees to work with this solution. Tom makes Motion
to this effect. George Alexander seconds this Motion. Council unanimous.

VIII. New Business – attendance policy.

a. Peaches make Motion to waive the Attendance Requirement, regarding Laurel
Coleman’s absences.   George Alexander acquiesces to this Motion with out           contest at this time, and states that he will monitor her attendance.


  1. George reports that GoDaddy has discontinued its website email service connected
    to our website and has implemented a transition to
    MicroSoft 365 email system, for an additional annual charge.
    Discussion about other options with GoDaddy website. Peaches make Motion
    for George to follow-up on this issue. Johnes seconds. Motion carried.


  1. Meeting Adjournment

    Next CTAC meeting set for Zoom call, Wednesday, May 4th, 2022, 6:00 PM.

    6:56 PM, Jonhes Ruta made a Motion to adjourn the meeting.
    Tom Costa seconded Motion. The Motion was unanimous.

    Minutes Submitted 04/21/2022 by: Johnes Ruta _Jonhes Ruta

                Anthony Cardo, Assistant Secretary



March 2, 2022 Minutes

Minutes from the Cable Television Advisory Council

ZOOM Meeting for March 2, 2022

Advisors Present:                                                     

George Alexander (Hamden) – Treasurer
Johnes Ruta (New Haven) – Secretary
Melissa Canham-Clyne   (Hamden)
Anthony Cardo (Hamden) – Assistant Secretary
Advisor absent:

Peaches Quinn (New Haven) – Chair

Laurel Coleman (Hamden) – Vice-Chair         Yvonne Manning Jones (New Haven)
Tom Costa (New Haven Library System)
Joe Schofield      – CTV Representative   – Absent

Sharon Codeane – Comcast Representative – Present

I.   Call to Order & Roll Call: 6:07 P.M Johnes Ruta presiding.

II.   February Minutes

a. No Revisions were suggested by the members present. An email will be sent out to all advisors for approval of the February Minutes.

III. Treasurer’s Report

  1. George Alexander reprted that the CTAC Fund Balance is $6,364.93. George also reported that the Post Office Box Bill is due by the end of the month and that he will pay it off. The Bill is for $332.00.

    IV.   CTV Community Television – Joe Schofield’s report.

    a. No Update

  2. Comcast Report – Sharon Codeane
  3. Community Impact
  • Comcast is supporting our customers by providing them with important information and resources and helping them stay connected with loved ones:

o By saying “Ukraine crisis” into our X1 Voice Remote, customers can access a                             new destination across X1 and Flex featuring the latest news as it                                     develops, information on how to support those in need, and resources to help

parents talk about the situation with their children.

o We’re also waiving charges for calls to Ukraine for Xfinity Mobile & Xfinity                              Voice customers through March 10, as well as all data and Global Travel
Pass charges for Xfinity Mobile customers who may currently be in

  1. Programming Updates
  • Effective March 22, 2022:

o Afro HD will move from the Digital Preferred tier to the Expanded Basic and      Entertainment tiers (will remain on channel 1623).

o Kids Street HD will be added to the Expanded Basic and Kids & Family tiers on             channel 1772.

  • Effective March 31, 2022, Fox Life will cease operations.
  1. Miscellaneous
  • $2,000 Comcast stipend check deposited in January
  1. Frontier Report
  2. Peaches Quinn emailed a copy of the minutes from the Bi-monthly statewide meetings before the start of this month’s meeting which included a copy of the frontier report.

VII. Old Business

Old Business A. CTAC Public Service Announcement: Update Laurel

  1. Deferred to April

Old Business B. Facebook/Website Update Yvonne/George

  1. Deferred to April

Old Business C. – CTAC Community Award

a. Melissa Canham-Clyne reported that Laurel Coleman has resigned from the committee and the committee was thinking of including Tom Costa to the committee. Melissa also           reported that the committee will be meeting again soon to figure out the requirements for   the award and how to leverage the award to draw in interest from West Haven.

  1. George Alexander suggested to the committee to think about giving out the awards to the previous nonprofits that the Cable Advisory Committee has given out to before.

Old Business D. – CTAC Paper Archives from the 1990s

            (There are two medium-size boxes of paper archive records that were transferred
at the October meeting at Luce’s Restaurant from the possession of George Alexander
to Johnes Ruta. The issue is where these records can be stored for safe-keeping?)

a. Tom Costa gave Johnes the contact info for the Local History Room at New Haven
Ives Library, to be inquired as a location: Allison Botelho   203-946-8130 x 245. Johnes   has contacted Allison but she has denied his request to store the records at their library.        She recommended him contact to New Haven Museum.

b. 3/2/2022 – Johnes reported: As of this meeting he hasn’t established contact with the            New Haven Museum in regards to archiving the Committee’s records.

  1. George Alexander asked Melissa Canham-Clyne if the Hamden Library could archive and store the records. Melissa stated the Hamden Library did not have the room to do so.

    VIII.   New Business

  2. None
  3. Subscriber Issues
  4. George reported outside of spam emails, no update.
  5. Other Topics
  6. Johnes Ruta suggested that maybe for the May meeting the committee meet in person for another dinner meeting.
  7. Meeting Adjournment

    Next CTAC meeting set for Zoom call, Wednesday, April 6th, 2022, 6:00 PM.
    6:48 PM, Jonhes Ruta made a Motion to adjourn the meeting. George Alexander   seconded it. The Motion was unanimous.
    Minutes Submitted 3/5/2022 by: _Anthony Cardo ______________________________

Anthony Cardo, Assistant Secretary

Minutes Reviewed 3/15/2022 by: _Jonhes Ruta ______________________________

Johnes Ruta, Secretary


February 2, 2022 Minutes

Minutes from the Cable Television Advisory Council

ZOOM Meeting for February 2, 2022

Advisors Present:                                                     

Peaches Quinn (New Haven) – Chair
George Alexander (Hamden) – Treasurer
Laurel Coleman (Hamden) – Vice-Chair
Yvonne Manning Jones (New Haven)
Tom Costa (New Haven Library System)
Johnes Ruta (New Haven) – Secretary
Melissa Canham-Clyne   (Hamden)

Advisor absent:
Anthony Cardo (Hamden) – Assistant Secretary

Joe Schofield      – CTV Representative   – Present

Sharon Codeane – Comcast Representative

I.   Call to Order & Roll Call: 6:05 P.M Peaches Quinn presiding.

II. Giovanni Zinn – New Haven City Engineer – CTAC Guest

a. CTAC members self-introductions by Peaches.

b.   Giovanni Zinn (GZ), originally from Hamden, lives in New Haven.
(1) GZ talks about the community need for internet access, and how Comcast’s
provision of the Internet Essentials plan has helped low-income families who
qualify. He further discusses the so-called “Digital Divide” – the inequities
of internet technologies as they’ve been wired in different neighborhoods,
the wiring density and problems with electrical interference.

(2) GZ talks about economic opportunities in the New Haven/ Hamden/ West
Haven district.

(3)   FIOS – Fiber Optic Operating System implementation. GZ talks about issues
regarding installation of FIOS wiring to all sections of New Haven, and issues
around in-ground or above ground lines.

 (4)   George Alexander raises questions about the status of the geographic                                         connections of the New Haven / Hamden cable borders. Giovanni
Zinn replies: “We need to work together for this implementation.”

(5)   Melissa Canham-Clyne asks about Infrastructure access for the public,
especially the connectivity in Senior housing. The elements are:
1. why people connect
2. what is the affordability of plans
3. are there Grants available, such as the Human IT plan in Califirnia?

(6) Internet as Infrastructure
(a) Peaches Quinn question: “Doe Infrastructure provide monetary funds for
internet training ?” GZ: “We will determine how to create Teaching                                    Centers.” Peaches asks if we can involve Boards of Education to
develop digital literacy ? GZ: “We are developing ways to ‘plug’ the
digital gap [pun intended].”

(7) Tom Costa asks about the time frame for the funding of Fiber Optics
implementation. GZ: “Soon.”

(8) GZ talks about the need for digital literacy in order to help cable subscribers
with connectivity problems and how to describe them to cable technical                             support.

III.   November Minutes

a. George Alexander says that requested corrections had not been made to the
documents, but then explains that his email had not received the corrected
Minutes that were sent to him.

  1. George Alexander’s Treasurer’s Report: CTAC Fund Balance is $6,364.93.
    There was one expense in 2022 so far” Yvonne paid for GoDaddy SSL
    Certificate $95.94.

    IV.   CTV Community Television   – Joe Schofield’s report.

    a. Joe Schofiled says that the cut in CTV Funding during the pandemic has caused
    CTV to lay-off all their Production Staff, as independent producers was totally
    off during the pandemic, and the CTV facility closed (but for skeleton programming                    staff).

    b. Joe reports that CT-New Haven State Senator (Pro Tem) has joined support for
    CT Senate Bill (yet unnamed) to benefit CTV.

    V.   Old Business A. – CTAC Community Award

    a. Peaches Quinn makes Motion to form an Award Committee in CTAC to be tasked
    with writing two or three proposals as what to do to develop an award protocol?

  2. Specifically, what is meant by each idea? Example: How to improve Digital
    Literacy knowledge and access.

    c. George seconds this Motion. Vote unanimous. Laurel Coleman, Yvonne Manning-
    Jones, and Melissa Canham-Clyne volunteer for this committee.

    VI.   Old Business B. – CTAC Paper Archives from the 1990s

                (There are two medium-size boxes of paper archive records that were transferred
    at the October meeting at Luce’s Restaurant from the possession of George Alexander
    to Johnes Ruta. The issue is where these records can be stored for safe-keeping?)

    Tom Costa gives Johnes the contact info for the Local History Room at New Haven
    Ives Library, to be inquired as a location: Allison Botelho   203-946-8130 x 245.

    2/3/2022 – Johnes reporting: his contact with Ms. Botelho, but her question as to the
    potential horizontal size of records to be stored and sorted and filed by subject would
    be much more width than available in the Local History shelves…. Request denied.
    Recommends contact to New Haven Museum.

    VII.   Meeting Adjournment

    Next CTAC meeting set for Zoom call, Wednesday, March 2nd, 2022, 6:00 PM.

    7:30 PM, Peaches Quinn makes Motion to adjourn the meeting. Johnes Ruta seconds.
    Motion unanimous.

    Minutes Submitted 2/22/2022 by: _Johnes Ruta ______________________________
    Johnes Ruta, Secretary

(Anthony Cardo, Assistant Secretary)