
July 6, 2022 Minutes

Final Draft Minutes from the Cable Television Advisory Council
Zoom Meeting for July 6, 2022
Advisors Present:
Peaches Quinn – Chairperson (New Haven)
George Alexander – Treasurer (Hamden)
Yvonne Manning-Jones – Advisor (New Haven) 
Melissa Canham-Clyne – Advisor (Hamden) 
Tom Costa – Advisor (New Haven Library System)
Johnes Ruta – Secretary (New Haven)

 Advisors absent:
Laurel Coleman — Vice-Chair (Hamden)
Joe Schofield – CTV Representative – Absent
Amy Horan – Comcast Representative – Absent

I. Call to Order & Roll Call: 6:19 Meeting held via Zoom. 

II. June Minutes – written and submitted by Johnes Ruta.

 a. Several modifications had been requested by George Alexander and were 
 incorporated by Johnes during June. 

 b. Yvonne made a Motion to accept the June Minutes as submitted, without further modification. George seconded it. Vote is unanimous, and the June Minutes will 
 be submitted as Final to George for posting on the CTAC website.

III. Treasurer’s Report

a. George Alexander reported a current balance of $5,202.33 in the council’s checking account. $801 was spent for annual dinner meeting at Playwright Grill. 

IV. CTV Community Television – Joe Schofield’s Report 
 a. Joe Schofield was not present. No report. 
 b. CTV studios are still closed to production sessions due to Covid. But programming 
 on all CTV Channels 26, 27, & 96 has been consistent.
V. Comcast Report – Amy Horan’s Report
a. Amy Horan was not present. She has not attended or communicated with CTAC 
 since her appointment upon Sharon Codeanne was appointed to different 
 Comcast position. We have Amy’s phone, and it is discussed whether we should
 reach out to her to attend a meeting. 

b. It is needed to clarify whether Comcast’s offer for their Internet Only package 
 for $39.99 per month is to be available to those currently subscribed. 

c. It is learned at High Speed Internet must be 25 Gigabyte download speed.
VI. Frontier Report

a. July meeting – representative did not attend.
VII. Old Business

 a. CTAC Public Service Announcement: video of members not yet implemented, but 
 there is a screen card occasionally shown indicating CTAC is seeking new members.
b. Community Awards: Still due to lack of communication with the public, 
 the Community Awards outreach program has been deferred to 2023.

 c. West Haven still has not provided CTAC member representation. 

 d. SB 278 has now been passed in the CT Legislature and signed by Gov. Lamont 
 on May 31, so that the 86 cent charge will take effect on all Cable TV and Internet 
 Billing as of October 1, 2022.

VIII. Subscriber Issues 

No items brought forth.
IX. Other Topics 

 a. Council Officers – September 1st will be the new year of State Business, so CTAC 
 Officers must be nominated and elected. 

 b. Peaches makes a Motion for Nomination Committee to consist of Tom Costa 
 and Melissa Canham-Clyne for all CTAC posts: Chairperson, Vice-Chair, 
 Treasurer, and Secretary.

X. New Business 

a. Sexual Harassment Training update: It is learned that this 2-hour online training 
 and testing course will only apply to actual employees of cable companies, and 
 will not be required of volunteers, such as CTAC members.

b. George Alexander withdraws his Motion at the June meeting that the volunteers 
 of CTAC be required to take the same Sexual Harassment Training. 

c. Peaches make a Motion to skip the August meeting. Yvonne seconds this Motion.
 Vote is unanimous, 

d. George Alexander raises the issue of the CTAC Budget amount for dining for 
 the members. Johnes makes a Motion for outdoor dining for our next meeting. 
 George recommends Wood & Tap with an outdoor deck in Hamden Plaza, 
 Johnes’ Motion is tabled. 

e. Peaches makes a Motion that the members adhere to the ground-rule for dining 
 that no alcoholic beverages be paid for by individual members rather than the 
 group bill – per unit maximum; also that members adhere to wearing masks 
 according to “Best Covid Practices.” Motion is seconded by Johnes, vote 
 is unanimous,

f. George makes a Motion for outreach to the governing bodies of each town in 
 our district – for new members, according to the open positions and the number 
 of members allowed per each town and for Library systems and Board of 

 g. It is advised to see the cableadvisory.org website to review the By-Laws mandated 
 by PURA of our responsibilities, Melissa second George’s Motion, 
 Vote is unanimous. 

 h. By-Laws note: Each town has 4 regular Advisors, Library Systems are represented 
 by one advisor for all three towns. Boards of Education are to be represented by 
 one Advosor for each town.

i. Two boxes of CTAC archive records from the 1990s are in the possession 
 of Johnes, and are to be stored in the Governors’ Records Archive at the 
 New Haven Museum on Whitney Avenue. Johnes will meet with Tom Costa 
 on one of three days in July – the 25th, 26th , or 27th.
Meeting Adjournment 
 Next CTAC meeting set for Wednesday, September 7th, 2022, 6:00 PM. 
 It will be discussed during July and August whether the September meeting 
 will be at a pizza location. 

 7:30 PM, Johnes makes a Motion to adjourn the meeting, 2nded by Peaches 
 The Motion is approved unanimously. 

 Minutes Submitted 07/19/2022 by: Johnes Ruta, Secretary.